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North Congregational Church

Farmington Hills, MI
Complete Organ
Custom Facade
III Manual Drawknob Console
100 Stop Controls
50 Ranks

This beautiful Colonial sturcture welcomed an inovative new technology as one of the first in the United States.

Active Digital Technology based on the Bradford system was utilized to provide the foundation for this hybrid organ. This technology produced real time generated sound based off models and voiced to fit the room. The technology was successfully combined with a Great ensemble to provide the full breath of character required to support the robust congregational singing. The Active Digital Technology provided color, support and counterpoint to the Great pipe ensemble.

The Colonial Style drawknob console is designed to complement and enhance the Chancel area. The Facade provides a visual focus above the Chancel itself and places the organ directly on the main axis of the building.

Overall, a successful installation that has served, and continues to serve, the congregation well.

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